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Kalita Wave 185 White Porcelain Dripper

Dripper with a flat bottom, in which there are three holes. During coffee preparation, there is only minimal contact between the dripper and the filter, which ensures a smoother extraction process. Dripper Wave will help everyone to prepare an excellent cup of coffee with ease, regardless of the brewing technique. Made of beautiful porcelain in the Arita-yaki style.

Hasami porcelain

The famous porcelain from Nagasaki prefecture with 400 years of history has been and still is a part of people's daily life.


  • weight: 365 g
  • package dimensions: 127 × 127 × 87 mm

Size for 2 - 4 cups
Use with Wave 185 type filters

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Barbora K.

Produkt sme bohužiaľ ešte nestihli vyskúšať, keďže sme si síce kúpili Kalita dripper, ale bez filtrov. Chápem, že to predávate vo forme, v akej vám to dodal dodávateľ/výrobca, ale váš e-shop by pri objednávaní mohol upozorniť na odporúčaný ďalší produkt - napr. v tomto prípade filtre.
Možno sa to zdá ako nepodstatná vec, ale dripper slúžil ako darček na Vianoce a momentálne sa k filtrom nevieme len tak ľahko dostať.
Takže to je skôr len nápad na vylepšenie.
