Have you ever wondered why Valentine's Day even exists? In our new blog, we will dive into history together and discover how this day of love has become a symbol for millions of couples around the world.

Saint Valentine

Who the real Saint Valentine is is open to speculation, but there are three possible candidates - and all of them were martyrs. Two of them were beheaded by the Roman emperor Claudius II, one for conducting secret marriages, which were forbidden, and the other for helping Christians escape from a Roman prison, where they were beaten and tortured. Another was imprisoned and fell in love with the jailer's daughter and sent her a letter signed "From your Valentine". Whoever this unfortunate saint was, all the stories paint the same picture of Valentine: a heroic and romantic figure.
Saint Valentine's Day was proclaimed on February 14 by Pope Gelasius in the late 5th century, probably as a reaction of the Catholic Church to the pagan fertility festival called Lupercalia, which was celebrated around that time. In the Middle Ages, thanks to the idea that the mating season of birds begins in mid-February, the idea that Valentine's Day is associated with love was born. It was during this period that Valentine's Day greetings became popular, although they would have to be delivered on horseback or on foot rather than sent by pigeons, as these birds had enough to do.

Cherry Blossom

Our exclusive blend of green teas, flavored with ripe and fragrant cherries. This tea is packaged with love and care for special occasions like Valentine's Day.

Jane's Garden

Discover an interesting combination of flavors with our exclusive tea that combines delicious green tea, sweet pomegranate and romantic rose petals. This harmonious blend makes an exceptional Valentine's Day gift.

Loose tea Paris

Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of Paris with our most popular tea blend, created as a memory of this magical city of love. Our unique combination of black tea, caramel, currant and bergamot represents the same complexity and elegance as Paris itself.

Yellow & Blue

Tento bylinný bezkofeinový čaj je úžasnou směsí heřmánku, levandule a chrpy. Každý doušek přináší dokonalou harmonii květinových tónů, které navozují pocit klidu a pohody. Yellow & Blue je ideální čaj pro relaxaci po náročném dni, kdy si chcete dopřát chvilku klidu a osvěžení..

Mother´s Day

Mother's Day je osvěžující bylinná směs bez kofeinu, která spojuje jemné okvětní lístky růží, květy heřmánku, květy chrpy, pomerančovou kůru a pomerančové aroma. Tento čaj je nejen lahodný, ale i ideálním dárkem díky svému dekorativnímu plechovému balení.
