This herbal drink originating from South Africa is very popular. It looks like tea, tastes like tea, is good for your health and is even caffeine-free.
Ingredients: Rooibos
Pack of 50 silk bags
Coffee Preparation
... and more
This herbal drink originating from South Africa is very popular. It looks like tea, tastes like tea, is good for your health and is even caffeine-free.
Ingredients: Rooibos
Pack of 50 silk bags
Vše v pořádku, termín doručení i způsob balení.
Direct Trade
Specialty Coffee
Roast Daily
Rooibos chuti trocha inak nez cierny caj, no stale dobra kupa a skvela alternativa na vecer pred spanim.
Zamilovali sme si ho hned ako sme ho raz ochutnali u kamaratov, Odvtedy vzdy kupujeme. Verzia bez kofeinu je bez cierneho caju a chuti slabsie, no na vecer je to stale fajn.