Káva s nejsilnější ovocnou vůní a chuťí, co jsem kdy zakoupila. Úžasná, exotická, lahodná!
Tento čaj musím mít stále doma😘
All teas derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant naturally contain caffeine. This substance is one of the many defence mechanisms that help us cope with a busy working week. Although there is more caffeine per kilogram in tea leaves than in coffee, we don't have to worry about overdosing. We can unlikely drink up to a kilo of tea at a time. The amount of tea commonly consumed is much smaller. We would have to drink three cups of tea to contain the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee.
Interestingly, different parts of the tea leaf carry different amounts of caffeine. The most caffeine is found in the tiny buds of the tea plant. Green tea contains slightly less caffeine than these buds, while black tea has a lower content. When preparing black tea, the tea leaves take longer to steep than green tea, which complicates the matter somewhat. Decaffeination results in the almost complete removal of caffeine from the tea leaves.
However, it is essential to note that beverages labelled as decaffeinated 'teas' are, in fact, not true teas but a mixture of herbs, flowers, spices and dried fruit. If such a drink is composed of only one species, such as mint, we call it tisane to clarify that it is not a traditional tea from the tea plant.
Decaffeinating tea using carbon dioxide (CO2) is a sophisticated way to remove caffeine from tea leaves without compromising taste quality. This process uses CO2 at high pressure and temperature. Under these conditions, carbon dioxide is a liquid solvent that attracts the caffeine and removes it from the tea. As a result, the aroma and flavours of the tea remain intact. This method combines technological advances with protecting the taste and quality of the tea, allowing us to enjoy the tea experience without excessive caffeine.
Metoda dekofeinizace pomocí ethylacetátu je způsob, jakým se odstraňuje kofein z čaje obsaženého v našich čajových sáčcích. V tomto procesu se kofein váže na molekuly ethylacetátu, které jsou následně odstraněny. Naši zákazníci tuto metodu u našich čajových sáčků upřednostňují.
There are two other decaffeination methods for hard coffee beans, but they are unsuitable for fragile tea leaves. These are the water decaffeination, the "Swiss water, " and the methylene chloride decaffeination methods.
Many tea lovers believe that steeping their favourite caffeinated tea, pouring out the water and then steeping it again will reduce the amount of caffeine in the cup. Unfortunately, this is an old wife's tale. Studies show that it takes approximately 8 minutes for tea to eliminate caffeine. This method is not recommended because it dilutes the flavour of the tea.
No matter your reason for drinking decaffeinated tea, whether it's doctor's orders or insomnia, you'll find teas you'll love at Harney & Sons.